
sklearn.utils.default_tags(estimator) Tags[source]#

Get the default tags for an estimator.

This ignores any __sklearn_tags__ method that the estimator may have.

If the estimator is a classifier or a regressor, target_tags.required will be set to True, otherwise it will be set to False.

transformer_tags will be set to TransformerTags if the estimator has a transform or fit_transform method, otherwise it will be set to None.

classifier_tags will be set to ClassifierTags if the estimator is a classifier, otherwise it will be set to None. a classifier, otherwise it will be set to None.

regressor_tags will be set to RegressorTags if the estimator is a regressor, otherwise it will be set to None.

estimatorestimator object

The estimator for which to get the default tags.


The default tags for the estimator.