Version 0.20.4

July 30, 2019

This is a bug-fix release with some bug fixes applied to version 0.20.3.


The bundled version of joblib was upgraded from 0.13.0 to 0.13.2.



  • Fix Fixed an issue in compose.ColumnTransformer where using DataFrames whose column order differs between :func:fit and :func:transform could lead to silently passing incorrect columns to the remainder transformer. #14237 by Andreas Schuderer <schuderer>.




Version 0.20.3

March 1, 2019

This is a bug-fix release with some minor documentation improvements and enhancements to features released in 0.20.0.












Code and Documentation Contributors

With thanks to:

Adrin Jalali, Agamemnon Krasoulis, Albert Thomas, Andreas Mueller, Aurélien Bellet, bertrandhaut, Bharat Raghunathan, Dowon, Emmanuel Arias, Fibinse Xavier, Finn O’Shea, Gabriel Vacaliuc, Gael Varoquaux, Guillaume Lemaitre, Hanmin Qin, joaak, Joel Nothman, Joris Van den Bossche, Jérémie Méhault, kms15, Kossori Aruku, Lakshya KD, maikia, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Marco Gorelli, MarcoGorelli, mferrari3, Mickaël Schoentgen, Nicolas Hug, pavlos kallis, Pierre Glaser, pierretallotte, Prabakaran Kumaresshan, Reshama Shaikh, Rohit Kapoor, Roman Yurchak, SandroCasagrande, Tashay Green, Thomas Fan, Vishaal Kapoor, Zhuyi Xue, Zijie (ZJ) Poh

Version 0.20.2

December 20, 2018

This is a bug-fix release with some minor documentation improvements and enhancements to features released in 0.20.0.

Changed models

The following estimators and functions, when fit with the same data and parameters, may produce different models from the previous version. This often occurs due to changes in the modelling logic (bug fixes or enhancements), or in random sampling procedures.

  • sklearn.neighbors when metric=='jaccard' (bug fix)

  • use of 'seuclidean' or 'mahalanobis' metrics in some cases (bug fix)





  • Fix Fixed sklearn.neighbors.DistanceMetric jaccard distance function to return 0 when two all-zero vectors are compared. #12685 by Thomas Fan.


Code and Documentation Contributors

With thanks to:

adanhawth, Adrin Jalali, Albert Thomas, Andreas Mueller, Dan Stine, Feda Curic, Hanmin Qin, Jan S, jeremiedbb, Joel Nothman, Joris Van den Bossche, josephsalmon, Katrin Leinweber, Loic Esteve, Muhammad Hassaan Rafique, Nicolas Hug, Olivier Grisel, Paul Paczuski, Reshama Shaikh, Sam Waterbury, Shivam Kotwalia, Thomas Fan

Version 0.20.1

November 21, 2018

This is a bug-fix release with some minor documentation improvements and enhancements to features released in 0.20.0. Note that we also include some API changes in this release, so you might get some extra warnings after updating from 0.20.0 to 0.20.1.

Changed models

The following estimators and functions, when fit with the same data and parameters, may produce different models from the previous version. This often occurs due to changes in the modelling logic (bug fixes or enhancements), or in random sampling procedures.






  • Fix Fixed a regression in decomposition.IncrementalPCA where 0.20.0 raised an error if the number of samples in the final batch for fitting IncrementalPCA was smaller than n_components. #12234 by Ming Li.










  • Fix When using site joblib by setting the environment variable SKLEARN_SITE_JOBLIB, added compatibility with joblib 0.11 in addition to 0.12+. #12350 by Joel Nothman and Roman Yurchak.

  • Fix Make sure to avoid raising FutureWarning when calling np.vstack with numpy 1.16 and later (use list comprehensions instead of generator expressions in many locations of the scikit-learn code base). #12467 by Olivier Grisel.

  • API Change Removed all mentions of sklearn.externals.joblib, and deprecated joblib methods exposed in sklearn.utils, except for utils.parallel_backend and utils.register_parallel_backend, which allow users to configure parallel computation in scikit-learn. Other functionalities are part of joblib. package and should be used directly, by installing it. The goal of this change is to prepare for unvendoring joblib in future version of scikit-learn. #12345 by Thomas Moreau

Code and Documentation Contributors

With thanks to:

^__^, Adrin Jalali, Andrea Navarrete, Andreas Mueller, bauks, BenjaStudio, Cheuk Ting Ho, Connossor, Corey Levinson, Dan Stine, daten-kieker, Denis Kataev, Dillon Gardner, Dmitry Vukolov, Dougal J. Sutherland, Edward J Brown, Eric Chang, Federico Caselli, Gabriel Marzinotto, Gael Varoquaux, GauravAhlawat, Gustavo De Mari Pereira, Hanmin Qin, haroldfox, JackLangerman, Jacopo Notarstefano, janvanrijn, jdethurens, jeremiedbb, Joel Nothman, Joris Van den Bossche, Koen, Kushal Chauhan, Lee Yi Jie Joel, Lily Xiong, mail-liam, Mark Hannel, melsyt, Ming Li, Nicholas Smith, Nicolas Hug, Nikolay Shebanov, Oleksandr Pavlyk, Olivier Grisel, Peter Hausamann, Pierre Glaser, Pulkit Maloo, Quentin Batista, Radostin Stoyanov, Ramil Nugmanov, Rebekah Kim, Reshama Shaikh, Rohan Singh, Roman Feldbauer, Roman Yurchak, Roopam Sharma, Sam Waterbury, Scott Lowe, Sebastian Raschka, Stephen Tierney, SylvainLan, TakingItCasual, Thomas Fan, Thomas Moreau, Tom Dupré la Tour, Tulio Casagrande, Utkarsh Upadhyay, Xing Han Lu, Yaroslav Halchenko, Zach Miller

Version 0.20.0

September 25, 2018

This release packs in a mountain of bug fixes, features and enhancements for the Scikit-learn library, and improvements to the documentation and examples. Thanks to our contributors!

This release is dedicated to the memory of Raghav Rajagopalan.


Version 0.20 is the last version of scikit-learn to support Python 2.7 and Python 3.4. Scikit-learn 0.21 will require Python 3.5 or higher.


We have tried to improve our support for common data-science use-cases including missing values, categorical variables, heterogeneous data, and features/targets with unusual distributions. Missing values in features, represented by NaNs, are now accepted in column-wise preprocessing such as scalers. Each feature is fitted disregarding NaNs, and data containing NaNs can be transformed. The new sklearn.impute module provides estimators for learning despite missing data.

ColumnTransformer handles the case where different features or columns of a pandas.DataFrame need different preprocessing. String or pandas Categorical columns can now be encoded with OneHotEncoder or OrdinalEncoder.

TransformedTargetRegressor helps when the regression target needs to be transformed to be modeled. PowerTransformer and KBinsDiscretizer join QuantileTransformer as non-linear transformations.

Beyond this, we have added sample_weight support to several estimators (including KMeans, BayesianRidge and KernelDensity) and improved stopping criteria in others (including MLPRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor and SGDRegressor).

This release is also the first to be accompanied by a Glossary of Common Terms and API Elements developed by Joel Nothman. The glossary is a reference resource to help users and contributors become familiar with the terminology and conventions used in Scikit-learn.

Sorry if your contribution didn’t make it into the highlights. There’s a lot here…

Changed models

The following estimators and functions, when fit with the same data and parameters, may produce different models from the previous version. This often occurs due to changes in the modelling logic (bug fixes or enhancements), or in random sampling procedures.

Details are listed in the changelog below.

(While we are trying to better inform users by providing this information, we cannot assure that this list is complete.)

Known Major Bugs

  • #11924: linear_model.LogisticRegressionCV with solver='lbfgs' and multi_class='multinomial' may be non-deterministic or otherwise broken on macOS. This appears to be the case on Travis CI servers, but has not been confirmed on personal MacBooks! This issue has been present in previous releases.

  • #9354: metrics.pairwise.euclidean_distances (which is used several times throughout the library) gives results with poor precision, which particularly affects its use with 32-bit float inputs. This became more problematic in versions 0.18 and 0.19 when some algorithms were changed to avoid casting 32-bit data into 64-bit.


Support for Python 3.3 has been officially dropped.
















  • Efficiency Speed improvements for both ‘exact’ and ‘barnes_hut’ methods in manifold.TSNE. #10593 and #10610 by Tom Dupre la Tour.

  • Feature Support sparse input in #8554 by Leland McInnes.

  • Feature manifold.t_sne.trustworthiness accepts metrics other than Euclidean. #9775 by William de Vazelhes.

  • Fix Fixed a bug in manifold.spectral_embedding where the normalization of the spectrum was using a division instead of a multiplication. #8129 by Jan Margeta, Guillaume Lemaitre, and Devansh D..

  • API Change Feature Deprecate precomputed parameter in function manifold.t_sne.trustworthiness. Instead, the new parameter metric should be used with any compatible metric including ‘precomputed’, in which case the input matrix X should be a matrix of pairwise distances or squared distances. #9775 by William de Vazelhes.

  • API Change Deprecate precomputed parameter in function manifold.t_sne.trustworthiness. Instead, the new parameter metric should be used with any compatible metric including ‘precomputed’, in which case the input matrix X should be a matrix of pairwise distances or squared distances. #9775 by William de Vazelhes.












  • Enhancement Although private (and hence not assured API stability), tree._criterion.ClassificationCriterion and tree._criterion.RegressionCriterion may now be cimported and extended. #10325 by Camil Staps.

  • Fix Fixed a bug in tree.BaseDecisionTree with splitter="best" where split threshold could become infinite when values in X were near infinite. #10536 by Jonathan Ohayon.

  • Fix Fixed a bug in tree.MAE to ensure sample weights are being used during the calculation of tree MAE impurity. Previous behaviour could cause suboptimal splits to be chosen since the impurity calculation considered all samples to be of equal weight importance. #11464 by John Stott.


Multiple modules


Changes to estimator checks

These changes mostly affect library developers.

Code and Documentation Contributors

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the maintenance and improvement of the project since version 0.19, including:

211217613, Aarshay Jain, absolutelyNoWarranty, Adam Greenhall, Adam Kleczewski, Adam Richie-Halford, adelr, AdityaDaflapurkar, Adrin Jalali, Aidan Fitzgerald, aishgrt1, Akash Shivram, Alan Liddell, Alan Yee, Albert Thomas, Alexander Lenail, Alexander-N, Alexandre Boucaud, Alexandre Gramfort, Alexandre Sevin, Alex Egg, Alvaro Perez-Diaz, Amanda, Aman Dalmia, Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen, Andreas Mueller, Andrew Peng, Angus Williams, Aniruddha Dave, annaayzenshtat, Anthony Gitter, Antonio Quinonez, Anubhav Marwaha, Arik Pamnani, Arthur Ozga, Artiem K, Arunava, Arya McCarthy, Attractadore, Aurélien Bellet, Aurélien Geron, Ayush Gupta, Balakumaran Manoharan, Bangda Sun, Barry Hart, Bastian Venthur, Ben Lawson, Benn Roth, Breno Freitas, Brent Yi, brett koonce, Caio Oliveira, Camil Staps, cclauss, Chady Kamar, Charlie Brummitt, Charlie Newey, chris, Chris, Chris Catalfo, Chris Foster, Chris Holdgraf, Christian Braune, Christian Hirsch, Christian Hogan, Christopher Jenness, Clement Joudet, cnx, cwitte, Dallas Card, Dan Barkhorn, Daniel, Daniel Ferreira, Daniel Gomez, Daniel Klevebring, Danielle Shwed, Daniel Mohns, Danil Baibak, Darius Morawiec, David Beach, David Burns, David Kirkby, David Nicholson, David Pickup, Derek, Didi Bar-Zev, diegodlh, Dillon Gardner, Dillon Niederhut, dilutedsauce, dlovell, Dmitry Mottl, Dmitry Petrov, Dor Cohen, Douglas Duhaime, Ekaterina Tuzova, Eric Chang, Eric Dean Sanchez, Erich Schubert, Eunji, Fang-Chieh Chou, FarahSaeed, felix, Félix Raimundo, fenx, filipj8, FrankHui, Franz Wompner, Freija Descamps, frsi, Gabriele Calvo, Gael Varoquaux, Gaurav Dhingra, Georgi Peev, Gil Forsyth, Giovanni Giuseppe Costa, gkevinyen5418, goncalo-rodrigues, Gryllos Prokopis, Guillaume Lemaitre, Guillaume “Vermeille” Sanchez, Gustavo De Mari Pereira, hakaa1, Hanmin Qin, Henry Lin, Hong, Honghe, Hossein Pourbozorg, Hristo, Hunan Rostomyan, iampat, Ivan PANICO, Jaewon Chung, Jake VanderPlas, jakirkham, James Bourbeau, James Malcolm, Jamie Cox, Jan Koch, Jan Margeta, Jan Schlüter, janvanrijn, Jason Wolosonovich, JC Liu, Jeb Bearer, jeremiedbb, Jimmy Wan, Jinkun Wang, Jiongyan Zhang, jjabl, jkleint, Joan Massich, Joël Billaud, Joel Nothman, Johannes Hansen, JohnStott, Jonatan Samoocha, Jonathan Ohayon, Jörg Döpfert, Joris Van den Bossche, Jose Perez-Parras Toledano, josephsalmon, jotasi, jschendel, Julian Kuhlmann, Julien Chaumond, julietcl, Justin Shenk, Karl F, Kasper Primdal Lauritzen, Katrin Leinweber, Kirill, ksemb, Kuai Yu, Kumar Ashutosh, Kyeongpil Kang, Kye Taylor, kyledrogo, Leland McInnes, Léo DS, Liam Geron, Liutong Zhou, Lizao Li, lkjcalc, Loic Esteve, louib, Luciano Viola, Lucija Gregov, Luis Osa, Luis Pedro Coelho, Luke M Craig, Luke Persola, Mabel, Mabel Villalba, Maniteja Nandana, MarkIwanchyshyn, Mark Roth, Markus Müller, MarsGuy, Martin Gubri, martin-hahn, martin-kokos, mathurinm, Matthias Feurer, Max Copeland, Mayur Kulkarni, Meghann Agarwal, Melanie Goetz, Michael A. Alcorn, Minghui Liu, Ming Li, Minh Le, Mohamed Ali Jamaoui, Mohamed Maskani, Mohammad Shahebaz, Muayyad Alsadi, Nabarun Pal, Nagarjuna Kumar, Naoya Kanai, Narendran Santhanam, NarineK, Nathaniel Saul, Nathan Suh, Nicholas Nadeau, P.Eng., AVS, Nick Hoh, Nicolas Goix, Nicolas Hug, Nicolau Werneck, nielsenmarkus11, Nihar Sheth, Nikita Titov, Nilesh Kevlani, Nirvan Anjirbag, notmatthancock, nzw, Oleksandr Pavlyk, oliblum90, Oliver Rausch, Olivier Grisel, Oren Milman, Osaid Rehman Nasir, pasbi, Patrick Fernandes, Patrick Olden, Paul Paczuski, Pedro Morales, Peter, Peter St. John, pierreablin, pietruh, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Piotr Szymański, Pradeep Reddy Raamana, Pravar D Mahajan, pravarmahajan, QingYing Chen, Raghav RV, Rajendra arora, RAKOTOARISON Herilalaina, Rameshwar Bhaskaran, RankyLau, Rasul Kerimov, Reiichiro Nakano, Rob, Roman Kosobrodov, Roman Yurchak, Ronan Lamy, rragundez, Rüdiger Busche, Ryan, Sachin Kelkar, Sagnik Bhattacharya, Sailesh Choyal, Sam Radhakrishnan, Sam Steingold, Samuel Bell, Samuel O. Ronsin, Saqib Nizam Shamsi, SATISH J, Saurabh Gupta, Scott Gigante, Sebastian Flennerhag, Sebastian Raschka, Sebastien Dubois, Sébastien Lerique, Sebastin Santy, Sergey Feldman, Sergey Melderis, Sergul Aydore, Shahebaz, Shalil Awaley, Shangwu Yao, Sharad Vijalapuram, Sharan Yalburgi, shenhanc78, Shivam Rastogi, Shu Haoran, siftikha, Sinclert Pérez, SolutusImmensus, Somya Anand, srajan paliwal, Sriharsha Hatwar, Sri Krishna, Stefan van der Walt, Stephen McDowell, Steven Brown, syonekura, Taehoon Lee, Takanori Hayashi, tarcusx, Taylor G Smith, theriley106, Thomas, Thomas Fan, Thomas Heavey, Tobias Madsen, tobycheese, Tom Augspurger, Tom Dupré la Tour, Tommy, Trevor Stephens, Trishnendu Ghorai, Tulio Casagrande, twosigmajab, Umar Farouk Umar, Urvang Patel, Utkarsh Upadhyay, Vadim Markovtsev, Varun Agrawal, Vathsala Achar, Vilhelm von Ehrenheim, Vinayak Mehta, Vinit, Vinod Kumar L, Viraj Mavani, Viraj Navkal, Vivek Kumar, Vlad Niculae, vqean3, Vrishank Bhardwaj, vufg, wallygauze, Warut Vijitbenjaronk, wdevazelhes, Wenhao Zhang, Wes Barnett, Will, William de Vazelhes, Will Rosenfeld, Xin Xiong, Yiming (Paul) Li, ymazari, Yufeng, Zach Griffith, Zé Vinícius, Zhenqing Hu, Zhiqing Xiao, Zijie (ZJ) Poh