This is documentation for an old release of Scikit-learn (version 0.24). Try the latest stable release (version 1.6) or development (unstable) versions.

Version 0.24.2

April 2021














  • Fix Fix a bug in fit of tree.BaseDecisionTree that caused segmentation faults under certain conditions. fit now deep copies the Criterion object to prevent shared concurrent accesses. #19580 by Samuel Brice and Alex Adamson and Wil Yegelwel.


Version 0.24.1

January 2021


The 0.24.0 scikit-learn wheels were not working with MacOS <1.15 due to libomp. The version of libomp used to build the wheels was too recent for older macOS versions. This issue has been fixed for 0.24.1 scikit-learn wheels. Scikit-learn wheels published on now officially support macOS 10.13 and later.




Version 0.24.0

December 2020

For a short description of the main highlights of the release, please refer to Release Highlights for scikit-learn 0.24.

Legend for changelogs

  • Major Feature : something big that you couldn’t do before.

  • Feature : something that you couldn’t do before.

  • Efficiency : an existing feature now may not require as much computation or memory.

  • Enhancement : a miscellaneous minor improvement.

  • Fix : something that previously didn’t work as documentated – or according to reasonable expectations – should now work.

  • API Change : you will need to change your code to have the same effect in the future; or a feature will be removed in the future.

Put the changes in their relevant module.

Changed models

The following estimators and functions, when fit with the same data and parameters, may produce different models from the previous version. This often occurs due to changes in the modelling logic (bug fixes or enhancements), or in random sampling procedures.

Details are listed in the changelog below.

(While we are trying to better inform users by providing this information, we cannot assure that this list is complete.)







  • API Change Deprecates cv_alphas_ in favor of cv_results_['alphas'] and grid_scores_ in favor of split scores in cv_results_ in covariance.GraphicalLassoCV. cv_alphas_ and grid_scores_ will be removed in version 1.1 (renaming of 0.26). #16392 by Thomas Fan.




  • Enhancement decomposition.FactorAnalysis now supports the optional argument rotation, which can take the value None, 'varimax' or 'quartimax'. #11064 by Jona Sassenhagen.

  • Enhancement decomposition.NMF now supports the optional parameter regularization, which can take the values None, ‘components’, ‘transformation’ or ‘both’, in accordance with decomposition.NMF.non_negative_factorization. #17414 by Bharat Raghunathan.

  • Fix decomposition.KernelPCA behaviour is now more consistent between 32-bits and 64-bits data input when the kernel has small positive eigenvalues. Small positive eigenvalues were not correctly discarded for 32-bits data. #18149 by Sylvain Marié.

  • Fix Fix decomposition.SparseCoder such that it follows scikit-learn API and support cloning. The attribute components_ is deprecated in 0.24 and will be removed in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26). This attribute was redundant with the dictionary attribute and constructor parameter. #17679 by Xavier Dupré.

  • Fix TruncatedSVD.fit_transform consistently returns the same as followed by TruncatedSVD.transform. #18528 by Albert Villanova del Moral and Ruifeng Zheng.




  • API Change exceptions.ChangedBehaviorWarning and exceptions.NonBLASDotWarning are deprecated and will be removed in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26). #17804 by Adrin Jalali.




  • Enhancement A new method gaussian_process.Kernel._check_bounds_params is called after fitting a Gaussian Process and raises a ConvergenceWarning if the bounds of the hyperparameters are too tight. #12638 by Sylvain Lannuzel.







  • Efficiency Fixed #10493. Improve Local Linear Embedding (LLE) that raised MemoryError exception when used with large inputs. #17997 by Bertrand Maisonneuve.

  • Enhancement Add square_distances parameter to manifold.TSNE, which provides backward compatibility during deprecation of legacy squaring behavior. Distances will be squared by default in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26), and this parameter will be removed in 1.3. #17662 by Joshua Newton.

  • Fix manifold.MDS now correctly sets its _pairwise attribute. #18278 by Thomas Fan.














  • Enhancement Add check_methods_sample_order_invariance to check_estimator, which checks that estimator methods are invariant if applied to the same dataset with different sample order #17598 by Jason Ngo.

  • Enhancement Add support for weights in utils.sparse_func.incr_mean_variance_axis. By Maria Telenczuk and Alex Gramfort.

  • Fix Raise ValueError with clear error message in check_array for sparse DataFrames with mixed types. #17992 by Thomas J. Fan and Alex Shacked.

  • Fix Allow serialized tree based models to be unpickled on a machine with different endianness. #17644 by Qi Zhang.

  • Fix Check that we raise proper error when axis=1 and the dimensions do not match in utils.sparse_func.incr_mean_variance_axis. By Alex Gramfort.


  • Enhancement Calls to repr are now faster when print_changed_only=True, especially with meta-estimators. #18508 by Nathan C..

Code and Documentation Contributors

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the maintenance and improvement of the project since version 0.23, including:

Abhinav Gupta, Abo7atm, Adam Spannbauer, Adrian Garcia Badaracco, Adrian Sadłocha, Adrin Jalali, adrinjalali, Agamemnon Krasoulis, Akshay Deodhar, Albert Villanova del Moral, Alessandro Gentile, Alessia Marcolini, Alexander Lenail, alexandracraciun, Alexandre Gramfort, Alexandr Fonari, Alex Henrie, Alex Itkes, Alex Liang, alexshacked, Alihan Zihna, Allan D Butler, Amanda Dsouza, amy12xx, Anand Tiwari, Ana Pessoa, Anderson Nelson, Andreas Mueller, Andrew Delong, Ankit Choraria, Archana Subramaniyan, Arthur Imbert, Ashish, Ashutosh Hathidara, Ashutosh Kushwaha, Atsushi Nukariya, Aura Munoz, AutoViz and Auto_ViML, Avi Gupta, Avinash Anakal, Ayako YAGI, Ayush Singh, BaptBillard, barankarakus, barberogaston, beatrizsmg, Benjamin Bossan, Benjamin Pedigo, Ben Mainye, Bharat Raghunathan, Bhavika Devnani, Biprateep Dey, bmaisonn, Bo Chang, Boris Villazón-Terrazas, brigi, Brigitta Sipőcz, Bruno Charron, Byron Smith, Cary Goltermann, Cat Chenal, CeeThinwa, chaitanyamogal, Charles Patel, Chiara Marmo, Christian Kastner, Christian Lorentzen, Christoph Deil, Christopher Yeh, Christos Aridas, Clara Matos, cliffordEmmanuel, clmbst, Coelhudo, Connor Tann, crispinlogan, Cristina Mulas, Daniel López, Daniel Mohns, darioka, Darshan N, david-cortes, Declan O’Neill, Deeksha Madan, dmallia17, EdwinWenink, EL-ATEIF Sara, Elizabeth DuPre, Eric Fiegel, Erich Schubert, Eric Larson, Erin Khoo, Erin R Hoffman, eschibli, Felix Wick, fhaselbeck, flyingdutchman23, Forrest Koch, Fortune Uwha, Francesco Casalegno, Frans Larsson, Gael Varoquaux, Gaurav Desai, Gaurav Sheni, genvalen, Geoffrey Bolmier, Geoffrey Thomas, George Armstrong, George Kiragu, Gesa Stupperich, Ghislain Antony Vaillant, Gim Seng, Gordon Walsh, Gregory R. Lee, Guillaume Chevalier, Guillaume Lemaitre, guiweber, Haesun Park, Hannah Bohle, Hans Moritz Günther, Hao Chun Chang, Harry Scholes, Harry Wei, Harsh Soni, Helder Geovane Gomes de Lima, Henry, Hirofumi Suzuki, Hitesh Somani, Hoda1394, Hugo Le Moine, hugorichard, indecisiveuser, Isaack Mungui, Ishan Mishra, Isuru Fernando, Ivan Wiryadi, iwhalvic, j0rd1smit, Jaehyun Ahn, Jake Tae, James Alan Preiss, James Budarz, James Hoctor, Jan Vesely, Jeevan Anand Anne, Jérémie du Boisberranger, JeroenPeterBos, JHayes, Jianzhu Guo, Jiaxiang, Jie Zheng, Jigna Panchal, jim0421, Jin Li, Joaquin Vanschoren, Joel Nothman, JohanWork, Jona Sassenhagen, Jonathan, Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño, Jorge Gorbe Moya, Joseph Lucas, Joshua Newton, Juan Carlos Alfaro Jiménez, Julien Jerphanion, Justin Huber, Kartik Chugh, Katarina Slama, kaylani2, Kei Ishikawa, Kendrick Cetina, Kenny Huynh, Kevin Markham, Kevin Winata, Kiril Isakov, kishimoto, Koki Nishihara, Krum Arnaudov, Kunj, Kyle Kosic, Lauren Oldja, Laurenz Reitsam, Lisa Schwetlick, Loic Esteve, Louis Douge, Louis Guitton, Lucy Liu, Madhura Jayaratne, maikia, Manimaran, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Maren Westermann, Mariam-ke, Maria Telenczuk, Marijn van Vliet, Markus Löning, Martina G. Vilas, Martina Megasari, Martin Hirzel, Martin Scheubrein, Mateusz Górski, Mathieu Blondel, mathschy, mathurinm, Matthias Bussonnier, Max Del Giudice, Mehmet Ali Özer, Miao Cai, Michael, Milan Straka, Muhammad Jarir Kanji, Muoki Caleb, Nadia Tahiri, Ph. D, Naoki Hamada, Neil Botelho, N. Haiat, Nicolas Hug, Nigel Bosch, Nils Werner, Nodar Okroshiashvili, noelano, Norbert Preining, Ogbonna Chibuike Stephen, oj_lappi, Oleh Kozynets, Olivier Grisel, Pankaj Jindal, Pardeep Singh, Parthiv Chigurupati, Patrice Becker, Paulo S. Costa, Pete Green, Peter Dye, pgithubs, Poorna Kumar, Prabakaran Kumaresshan, Probinette4, pspachtholz, putschblos, pwalchessen, Qi Zhang, rachel fischoff, Rachit Toshniwal, Rafey Iqbal Rahman, Rahul Jakhar, Ram Rachum, RamyaNP, ranjanikrishnan, rauwuckl, Ravi Kiran Boggavarapu, Ray Bell, Reshama Shaikh, Richard Decal, RichardScottOZ, Rishi Advani, Rithvik Rao, Rob Romijnders, roei, Romain Tavenard, Roman Yurchak, Ruby Werman, Ryotaro Tsukada, sadak, Saket Khandelwal, Sam, Sam Ezebunandu, Sam Kimbinyi, Samuel Brice, Sandy Khosasi, Sarah Brown, Saurabh Jain, Sean Benhur J, Sean O. Stalley, Sebastian Pölsterl, Sergio, Shail Shah, Shane Keller, Shao Yang Hong, Shashank Singh, shinnar, Shooter23, Shubhanshu Mishra, simonamaggio, Sina Tootoonian, Soledad Galli, Srimukh Sripada, Stephan Steinfurt, Steve Stagg, subrat93, Sunitha Selvan, Swier, SylvainLan, Sylvain Marié, Teon L Brooks, Terence Honles, TFiFiE, Thijs van den Berg, Thomas9292, Thomas J Fan, Thomas J. Fan, Thomas S Benjamin, Thorben Jensen, tijanajovanovic, Timo Kaufmann, t-kusanagi2, tnwei, Tom Dupré la Tour, Trevor Waite, ufmayer, Umberto Lupo, vadim-ushtanit, Vangelis Gkiastas, Venkatachalam N, Vikas Pandey, Vinicius Rios Fuck, Violeta, Vlasovets, waijean, watchtheblur, Wenbo Zhao, willpeppo, xavier dupré, Xethan, xiaoyuchai, Xue Qianming, xun-tang, yagi-3, Yakov Pchelintsev, Yashika Sharma, Yi-Yan Ge, Yosuke KOBAYASHI, Yue Wu, Yutaro Ikeda, yzhenman, Zaccharie Ramzi, Zito, Zito Relova, zoj613, Zhao Feng.