Version 0.14#

Version 0.14#

August 7, 2013


API changes summary#

  • The auc_score was renamed metrics.roc_auc_score.

  • Testing scikit-learn with sklearn.test() is deprecated. Use nosetests sklearn from the command line.

  • Feature importances in tree.DecisionTreeClassifier, tree.DecisionTreeRegressor and all derived ensemble estimators are now computed on the fly when accessing the feature_importances_ attribute. Setting compute_importances=True is no longer required. By Gilles Louppe.

  • linear_model.lasso_path and linear_model.enet_path can return its results in the same format as that of linear_model.lars_path. This is done by setting the return_models parameter to False. By Jaques Grobler and Alexandre Gramfort

  • grid_search.IterGrid was renamed to grid_search.ParameterGrid.

  • Fixed bug in KFold causing imperfect class balance in some cases. By Alexandre Gramfort and Tadej Janež.

  • sklearn.neighbors.BallTree has been refactored, and a sklearn.neighbors.KDTree has been added which shares the same interface. The Ball Tree now works with a wide variety of distance metrics. Both classes have many new methods, including single-tree and dual-tree queries, breadth-first and depth-first searching, and more advanced queries such as kernel density estimation and 2-point correlation functions. By Jake Vanderplas

  • Support for scipy.spatial.cKDTree within neighbors queries has been removed, and the functionality replaced with the new sklearn.neighbors.KDTree class.

  • sklearn.neighbors.KernelDensity has been added, which performs efficient kernel density estimation with a variety of kernels.

  • sklearn.decomposition.KernelPCA now always returns output with n_components components, unless the new parameter remove_zero_eig is set to True. This new behavior is consistent with the way kernel PCA was always documented; previously, the removal of components with zero eigenvalues was tacitly performed on all data.

  • gcv_mode="auto" no longer tries to perform SVD on a densified sparse matrix in sklearn.linear_model.RidgeCV.

  • Sparse matrix support in sklearn.decomposition.RandomizedPCA is now deprecated in favor of the new TruncatedSVD.

  • cross_validation.KFold and cross_validation.StratifiedKFold now enforce n_folds >= 2 otherwise a ValueError is raised. By Olivier Grisel.

  • datasets.load_files’s charset and charset_errors parameters were renamed encoding and decode_errors.

  • Attribute oob_score_ in sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor and sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier is deprecated and has been replaced by oob_improvement_ .

  • Attributes in OrthogonalMatchingPursuit have been deprecated (copy_X, Gram, …) and precompute_gram renamed precompute for consistency. See #2224.

  • sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler now converts integer input to float, and raises a warning. Previously it rounded for dense integer input.

  • sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier now has a decision_function method. This will return the distance of each sample from the decision boundary for each class, as long as the underlying estimators implement the decision_function method. By Kyle Kastner.

  • Better input validation, warning on unexpected shapes for y.


List of contributors for release 0.14 by number of commits.

  • 277 Gilles Louppe

  • 245 Lars Buitinck

  • 187 Andreas Mueller

  • 124 Arnaud Joly

  • 112 Jaques Grobler

  • 109 Gael Varoquaux

  • 107 Olivier Grisel

  • 102 Noel Dawe

  • 99 Kemal Eren

  • 79 Joel Nothman

  • 75 Jake VanderPlas

  • 73 Nelle Varoquaux

  • 71 Vlad Niculae

  • 65 Peter Prettenhofer

  • 64 Alexandre Gramfort

  • 54 Mathieu Blondel

  • 38 Nicolas Trésegnie

  • 35 eustache

  • 27 Denis Engemann

  • 25 Yann N. Dauphin

  • 19 Justin Vincent

  • 17 Robert Layton

  • 15 Doug Coleman

  • 14 Michael Eickenberg

  • 13 Robert Marchman

  • 11 Fabian Pedregosa

  • 11 Philippe Gervais

  • 10 Jim Holmström

  • 10 Tadej Janež

  • 10 syhw

  • 9 Mikhail Korobov

  • 9 Steven De Gryze

  • 8 sergeyf

  • 7 Ben Root

  • 7 Hrishikesh Huilgolkar

  • 6 Kyle Kastner

  • 6 Martin Luessi

  • 6 Rob Speer

  • 5 Federico Vaggi

  • 5 Raul Garreta

  • 5 Rob Zinkov

  • 4 Ken Geis

  • 3 A. Flaxman

  • 3 Denton Cockburn

  • 3 Dougal Sutherland

  • 3 Ian Ozsvald

  • 3 Johannes Schönberger

  • 3 Robert McGibbon

  • 3 Roman Sinayev

  • 3 Szabo Roland

  • 2 Diego Molla

  • 2 Imran Haque

  • 2 Jochen Wersdörfer

  • 2 Sergey Karayev

  • 2 Yannick Schwartz

  • 2 jamestwebber

  • 1 Abhijeet Kolhe

  • 1 Alexander Fabisch

  • 1 Bastiaan van den Berg

  • 1 Benjamin Peterson

  • 1 Daniel Velkov

  • 1 Fazlul Shahriar

  • 1 Felix Brockherde

  • 1 Félix-Antoine Fortin

  • 1 Harikrishnan S

  • 1 Jack Hale

  • 1 JakeMick

  • 1 James McDermott

  • 1 John Benediktsson

  • 1 John Zwinck

  • 1 Joshua Vredevoogd

  • 1 Justin Pati

  • 1 Kevin Hughes

  • 1 Kyle Kelley

  • 1 Matthias Ekman

  • 1 Miroslav Shubernetskiy

  • 1 Naoki Orii

  • 1 Norbert Crombach

  • 1 Rafael Cunha de Almeida

  • 1 Rolando Espinoza La fuente

  • 1 Seamus Abshere

  • 1 Sergey Feldman

  • 1 Sergio Medina

  • 1 Stefano Lattarini

  • 1 Steve Koch

  • 1 Sturla Molden

  • 1 Thomas Jarosch

  • 1 Yaroslav Halchenko