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Bisecting K-Means and Regular K-Means Performance Comparison¶
This example shows differences between Regular K-Means algorithm and Bisecting K-Means.
While K-Means clusterings are different when with increasing n_clusters, Bisecting K-Means clustering build on top of the previous ones.
This difference can visually be observed.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
from sklearn.cluster import BisectingKMeans, KMeans
# Generate sample data
n_samples = 1000
random_state = 0
X, _ = make_blobs(n_samples=n_samples, centers=2, random_state=random_state)
# Number of cluster centers for KMeans and BisectingKMeans
n_clusters_list = [2, 3, 4, 5]
# Algorithms to compare
clustering_algorithms = {
"Bisecting K-Means": BisectingKMeans,
"K-Means": KMeans,
# Make subplots for each variant
fig, axs = plt.subplots(
len(clustering_algorithms), len(n_clusters_list), figsize=(15, 5)
axs = axs.T
for i, (algorithm_name, Algorithm) in enumerate(clustering_algorithms.items()):
for j, n_clusters in enumerate(n_clusters_list):
algo = Algorithm(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=random_state)
centers = algo.cluster_centers_
axs[j, i].scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], s=10, c=algo.labels_)
axs[j, i].scatter(centers[:, 0], centers[:, 1], c="r", s=20)
axs[j, i].set_title(f"{algorithm_name} : {n_clusters} clusters")
# Hide x labels and tick labels for top plots and y ticks for right plots.
for ax in axs.flat:
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.344 seconds)