This is documentation for an old release of Scikit-learn (version 0.22). Try the latest stable release (version 1.6) or development (unstable) versions.


class sklearn.inspection.PartialDependenceDisplay(pd_results, features, feature_names, target_idx, pdp_lim, deciles)[source]

Partial Dependence Plot (PDP) visualization.

It is recommended to use plot_partial_dependence to create a PartialDependenceDisplay. All parameters are stored as attributes.

Read more in Advanced Plotting With Partial Dependence and the User Guide.

New in version 0.22.

pd_resultslist of (ndarray, ndarray)

Results of partial_dependence for features. Each tuple corresponds to a (averaged_predictions, grid).

featureslist of (int,) or list of (int, int)

Indices of features for a given plot. A tuple of one integer will plot a partial dependence curve of one feature. A tuple of two integers will plot a two-way partial dependence curve as a contour plot.

feature_nameslist of str

Feature names corresponding to the indices in features.

  • In a multiclass setting, specifies the class for which the PDPs should be computed. Note that for binary classification, the positive class (index 1) is always used.

  • In a multioutput setting, specifies the task for which the PDPs should be computed.

Ignored in binary classification or classical regression settings.


Global min and max average predictions, such that all plots will have the same scale and y limits. pdp_lim[1] is the global min and max for single partial dependence curves. pdp_lim[2] is the global min and max for two-way partial dependence curves.


Deciles for feature indices in features.

bounding_ax_matplotlib Axes or None

If ax is an axes or None, the bounding_ax_ is the axes where the grid of partial dependence plots are drawn. If ax is a list of axes or a numpy array of axes, bounding_ax_ is None.

axes_ndarray of matplotlib Axes

If ax is an axes or None, axes_[i, j] is the axes on the i-th row and j-th column. If ax is a list of axes, axes_[i] is the i-th item in ax. Elements that are None corresponds to a nonexisting axes in that position.

lines_ndarray of matplotlib Artists

If ax is an axes or None, line_[i, j] is the partial dependence curve on the i-th row and j-th column. If ax is a list of axes, lines_[i] is the partial dependence curve corresponding to the i-th item in ax. Elements that are None corresponds to a nonexisting axes or an axes that does not include a line plot.

contours_ndarray of matplotlib Artists

If ax is an axes or None, contours_[i, j] is the partial dependence plot on the i-th row and j-th column. If ax is a list of axes, contours_[i] is the partial dependence plot corresponding to the i-th item in ax. Elements that are None corresponds to a nonexisting axes or an axes that does not include a contour plot.

figure_matplotlib Figure

Figure containing partial dependence plots.


plot(self[, ax, n_cols, line_kw, contour_kw])

Plot partial dependence plots.

__init__(self, pd_results, features, feature_names, target_idx, pdp_lim, deciles)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

plot(self, ax=None, n_cols=3, line_kw=None, contour_kw=None)[source]

Plot partial dependence plots.

axMatplotlib axes or array-like of Matplotlib axes, default=None
  • If a single axis is passed in, it is treated as a bounding axes

    and a grid of partial dependence plots will be drawn within these bounds. The n_cols parameter controls the number of columns in the grid.

  • If an array-like of axes are passed in, the partial dependence

    plots will be drawn directly into these axes.

  • If None, a figure and a bounding axes is created and treated

    as the single axes case.

n_colsint, default=3

The maximum number of columns in the grid plot. Only active when ax is a single axes or None.

line_kwdict, default=None

Dict with keywords passed to the matplotlib.pyplot.plot call. For one-way partial dependence plots.

contour_kwdict, default=None

Dict with keywords passed to the matplotlib.pyplot.contourf call for two-way partial dependence plots.

display: PartialDependenceDisplay