This is documentation for an old release of Scikit-learn (version 1.1). Try the latest stable release (version 1.6) or development (unstable) versions.


sklearn.datasets.load_digits(*, n_class=10, return_X_y=False, as_frame=False)[source]

Load and return the digits dataset (classification).

Each datapoint is a 8x8 image of a digit.



Samples per class


Samples total





integers 0-16

This is a copy of the test set of the UCI ML hand-written digits datasets

Read more in the User Guide.

n_classint, default=10

The number of classes to return. Between 0 and 10.

return_X_ybool, default=False

If True, returns (data, target) instead of a Bunch object. See below for more information about the data and target object.

New in version 0.18.

as_framebool, default=False

If True, the data is a pandas DataFrame including columns with appropriate dtypes (numeric). The target is a pandas DataFrame or Series depending on the number of target columns. If return_X_y is True, then (data, target) will be pandas DataFrames or Series as described below.

New in version 0.23.


Dictionary-like object, with the following attributes.

data{ndarray, dataframe} of shape (1797, 64)

The flattened data matrix. If as_frame=True, data will be a pandas DataFrame.

target: {ndarray, Series} of shape (1797,)

The classification target. If as_frame=True, target will be a pandas Series.

feature_names: list

The names of the dataset columns.

target_names: list

The names of target classes.

New in version 0.20.

frame: DataFrame of shape (1797, 65)

Only present when as_frame=True. DataFrame with data and target.

New in version 0.23.

images: {ndarray} of shape (1797, 8, 8)

The raw image data.

DESCR: str

The full description of the dataset.

(data, target)tuple if return_X_y is True

A tuple of two ndarrays by default. The first contains a 2D ndarray of shape (1797, 64) with each row representing one sample and each column representing the features. The second ndarray of shape (1797) contains the target samples. If as_frame=True, both arrays are pandas objects, i.e. X a dataframe and y a series.

New in version 0.18.


To load the data and visualize the images:

>>> from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
>>> digits = load_digits()
>>> print(
(1797, 64)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.gray()
>>> plt.matshow(digits.images[0])

Examples using sklearn.datasets.load_digits

Recognizing hand-written digits

Recognizing hand-written digits

Recognizing hand-written digits
A demo of K-Means clustering on the handwritten digits data

A demo of K-Means clustering on the handwritten digits data

A demo of K-Means clustering on the handwritten digits data
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Various Agglomerative Clustering on a 2D embedding of digits

Various Agglomerative Clustering on a 2D embedding of digits

Various Agglomerative Clustering on a 2D embedding of digits
The Digit Dataset

The Digit Dataset

The Digit Dataset
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Balance model complexity and cross-validated score

Balance model complexity and cross-validated score

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Label Propagation digits: Demonstrating performance

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Label Propagation digits: Demonstrating performance
Cross-validation on Digits Dataset Exercise

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Cross-validation on Digits Dataset Exercise
Digits Classification Exercise

Digits Classification Exercise

Digits Classification Exercise