
sklearn.compose.make_column_selector(pattern=None, *, dtype_include=None, dtype_exclude=None)[source]

Create a callable to select columns to be used with ColumnTransformer.

make_column_selector can select columns based on datatype or the columns name with a regex. When using multiple selection criteria, all criteria must match for a column to be selected.

patternstr, default=None

Name of columns containing this regex pattern will be included. If None, column selection will not be selected based on pattern.

dtype_includecolumn dtype or list of column dtypes, default=None

A selection of dtypes to include. For more details, see pandas.DataFrame.select_dtypes.

dtype_excludecolumn dtype or list of column dtypes, default=None

A selection of dtypes to exclude. For more details, see pandas.DataFrame.select_dtypes.


Callable for column selection to be used by a ColumnTransformer.

See also


Class that allows combining the outputs of multiple transformer objects used on column subsets of the data into a single feature space.


>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder
>>> from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformer
>>> from sklearn.compose import make_column_selector
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd  
>>> X = pd.DataFrame({'city': ['London', 'London', 'Paris', 'Sallisaw'],
...                   'rating': [5, 3, 4, 5]})  
>>> ct = make_column_transformer(
...       (StandardScaler(),
...        make_column_selector(dtype_include=np.number)),  # rating
...       (OneHotEncoder(),
...        make_column_selector(dtype_include=object)))  # city
>>> ct.fit_transform(X)  
array([[ 0.90453403,  1.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
       [-1.50755672,  1.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
       [-0.30151134,  0.        ,  1.        ,  0.        ],
       [ 0.90453403,  0.        ,  0.        ,  1.        ]])

Examples using sklearn.compose.make_column_selector

Categorical Feature Support in Gradient Boosting

Categorical Feature Support in Gradient Boosting

Categorical Feature Support in Gradient Boosting
Combine predictors using stacking

Combine predictors using stacking

Combine predictors using stacking
Column Transformer with Mixed Types

Column Transformer with Mixed Types

Column Transformer with Mixed Types