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DecisionTreeClassifier(max_leaf_nodes=3, random_state=0)
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.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 45-77 Tree structure -------------- The decision classifier has an attribute called ``tree_`` which allows access to low level attributes such as ``node_count``, the total number of nodes, and ``max_depth``, the maximal depth of the tree. The ``tree_.compute_node_depths()`` method computes the depth of each node in the tree. `tree_` also stores the entire binary tree structure, represented as a number of parallel arrays. The i-th element of each array holds information about the node ``i``. Node 0 is the tree's root. Some of the arrays only apply to either leaves or split nodes. In this case the values of the nodes of the other type is arbitrary. For example, the arrays ``feature`` and ``threshold`` only apply to split nodes. The values for leaf nodes in these arrays are therefore arbitrary. Among these arrays, we have: - ``children_left[i]``: id of the left child of node ``i`` or -1 if leaf node - ``children_right[i]``: id of the right child of node ``i`` or -1 if leaf node - ``feature[i]``: feature used for splitting node ``i`` - ``threshold[i]``: threshold value at node ``i`` - ``n_node_samples[i]``: the number of training samples reaching node ``i`` - ``impurity[i]``: the impurity at node ``i`` - ``weighted_n_node_samples[i]``: the weighted number of training samples reaching node ``i`` - ``value[i, j, k]``: the summary of the training samples that reached node i for output j and class k (for regression tree, class is set to 1). See below for more information about ``value``. Using the arrays, we can traverse the tree structure to compute various properties. Below, we will compute the depth of each node and whether or not it is a leaf. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 77-130 .. code-block:: Python n_nodes = clf.tree_.node_count children_left = clf.tree_.children_left children_right = clf.tree_.children_right feature = clf.tree_.feature threshold = clf.tree_.threshold values = clf.tree_.value node_depth = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.int64) is_leaves = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=bool) stack = [(0, 0)] # start with the root node id (0) and its depth (0) while len(stack) > 0: # `pop` ensures each node is only visited once node_id, depth = stack.pop() node_depth[node_id] = depth # If the left and right child of a node is not the same we have a split # node is_split_node = children_left[node_id] != children_right[node_id] # If a split node, append left and right children and depth to `stack` # so we can loop through them if is_split_node: stack.append((children_left[node_id], depth + 1)) stack.append((children_right[node_id], depth + 1)) else: is_leaves[node_id] = True print( "The binary tree structure has {n} nodes and has " "the following tree structure:\n".format(n=n_nodes) ) for i in range(n_nodes): if is_leaves[i]: print( "{space}node={node} is a leaf node with value={value}.".format( space=node_depth[i] * "\t", node=i, value=np.around(values[i], 3) ) ) else: print( "{space}node={node} is a split node with value={value}: " "go to node {left} if X[:, {feature}] <= {threshold} " "else to node {right}.".format( space=node_depth[i] * "\t", node=i, left=children_left[i], feature=feature[i], threshold=threshold[i], right=children_right[i], value=np.around(values[i], 3), ) ) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none The binary tree structure has 5 nodes and has the following tree structure: node=0 is a split node with value=[[0.33 0.304 0.366]]: go to node 1 if X[:, 3] <= 0.800000011920929 else to node 2. node=1 is a leaf node with value=[[1. 0. 0.]]. node=2 is a split node with value=[[0. 0.453 0.547]]: go to node 3 if X[:, 2] <= 4.950000047683716 else to node 4. node=3 is a leaf node with value=[[0. 0.917 0.083]]. node=4 is a leaf node with value=[[0. 0.026 0.974]]. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 131-161 What is the values array used here? ----------------------------------- The `tree_.value` array is a 3D array of shape [``n_nodes``, ``n_classes``, ``n_outputs``] which provides the proportion of samples reaching a node for each class and for each output. Each node has a ``value`` array which is the proportion of weighted samples reaching this node for each output and class with respect to the parent node. One could convert this to the absolute weighted number of samples reaching a node, by multiplying this number by `tree_.weighted_n_node_samples[node_idx]` for the given node. Note sample weights are not used in this example, so the weighted number of samples is the number of samples reaching the node because each sample has a weight of 1 by default. For example, in the above tree built on the iris dataset, the root node has ``value = [0.33, 0.304, 0.366]`` indicating there are 33% of class 0 samples, 30.4% of class 1 samples, and 36.6% of class 2 samples at the root node. One can convert this to the absolute number of samples by multiplying by the number of samples reaching the root node, which is `tree_.weighted_n_node_samples[0]`. Then the root node has ``value = [37, 34, 41]``, indicating there are 37 samples of class 0, 34 samples of class 1, and 41 samples of class 2 at the root node. Traversing the tree, the samples are split and as a result, the ``value`` array reaching each node changes. The left child of the root node has ``value = [1., 0, 0]`` (or ``value = [37, 0, 0]`` when converted to the absolute number of samples) because all 37 samples in the left child node are from class 0. Note: In this example, `n_outputs=1`, but the tree classifier can also handle multi-output problems. The `value` array at each node would just be a 2D array instead. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 163-166 We can compare the above output to the plot of the decision tree. Here, we show the proportions of samples of each class that reach each node corresponding to the actual elements of `tree_.value` array. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 166-170 .. code-block:: Python tree.plot_tree(clf, proportion=True) plt.show() .. image-sg:: /auto_examples/tree/images/sphx_glr_plot_unveil_tree_structure_001.png :alt: plot unveil tree structure :srcset: /auto_examples/tree/images/sphx_glr_plot_unveil_tree_structure_001.png :class: sphx-glr-single-img .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 171-188 Decision path ------------- We can also retrieve the decision path of samples of interest. The ``decision_path`` method outputs an indicator matrix that allows us to retrieve the nodes the samples of interest traverse through. A non zero element in the indicator matrix at position ``(i, j)`` indicates that the sample ``i`` goes through the node ``j``. Or, for one sample ``i``, the positions of the non zero elements in row ``i`` of the indicator matrix designate the ids of the nodes that sample goes through. The leaf ids reached by samples of interest can be obtained with the ``apply`` method. This returns an array of the node ids of the leaves reached by each sample of interest. Using the leaf ids and the ``decision_path`` we can obtain the splitting conditions that were used to predict a sample or a group of samples. First, let's do it for one sample. Note that ``node_index`` is a sparse matrix. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 188-222 .. code-block:: Python node_indicator = clf.decision_path(X_test) leaf_id = clf.apply(X_test) sample_id = 0 # obtain ids of the nodes `sample_id` goes through, i.e., row `sample_id` node_index = node_indicator.indices[ node_indicator.indptr[sample_id] : node_indicator.indptr[sample_id + 1] ] print("Rules used to predict sample {id}:\n".format(id=sample_id)) for node_id in node_index: # continue to the next node if it is a leaf node if leaf_id[sample_id] == node_id: continue # check if value of the split feature for sample 0 is below threshold if X_test[sample_id, feature[node_id]] <= threshold[node_id]: threshold_sign = "<=" else: threshold_sign = ">" print( "decision node {node} : (X_test[{sample}, {feature}] = {value}) " "{inequality} {threshold})".format( node=node_id, sample=sample_id, feature=feature[node_id], value=X_test[sample_id, feature[node_id]], inequality=threshold_sign, threshold=threshold[node_id], ) ) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none Rules used to predict sample 0: decision node 0 : (X_test[0, 3] = 2.4) > 0.800000011920929) decision node 2 : (X_test[0, 2] = 5.1) > 4.950000047683716) .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 223-225 For a group of samples, we can determine the common nodes the samples go through. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 225-238 .. code-block:: Python sample_ids = [0, 1] # boolean array indicating the nodes both samples go through common_nodes = node_indicator.toarray()[sample_ids].sum(axis=0) == len(sample_ids) # obtain node ids using position in array common_node_id = np.arange(n_nodes)[common_nodes] print( "\nThe following samples {samples} share the node(s) {nodes} in the tree.".format( samples=sample_ids, nodes=common_node_id ) ) print("This is {prop}% of all nodes.".format(prop=100 * len(common_node_id) / n_nodes)) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none The following samples [0, 1] share the node(s) [0 2] in the tree. This is 40.0% of all nodes. .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 0.080 seconds) .. _sphx_glr_download_auto_examples_tree_plot_unveil_tree_structure.py: .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: binder-badge .. image:: images/binder_badge_logo.svg :target: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/1.6.X?urlpath=lab/tree/notebooks/auto_examples/tree/plot_unveil_tree_structure.ipynb :alt: Launch binder :width: 150 px .. container:: lite-badge .. image:: images/jupyterlite_badge_logo.svg :target: ../../lite/lab/index.html?path=auto_examples/tree/plot_unveil_tree_structure.ipynb :alt: Launch JupyterLite :width: 150 px .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: plot_unveil_tree_structure.ipynb ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code: plot_unveil_tree_structure.py ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-zip :download:`Download zipped: plot_unveil_tree_structure.zip ` .. include:: plot_unveil_tree_structure.recommendations .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_