=========================================== External Resources, Videos and Talks =========================================== New to Scientific Python? ========================== For those that are still new to the scientific Python ecosystem, we highly recommend the `Python Scientific Lecture Notes `_. This will help you find your footing a bit and will definitely improve your scikit-learn experience. A basic understanding of NumPy arrays is recommended to make the most of scikit-learn. External Tutorials =================== There are several online tutorials available which are geared toward specific subject areas: - `Machine Learning for NeuroImaging in Python `_ - `Machine Learning for Astronomical Data Analysis `_ .. _videos: Videos ====== - An introduction to scikit-learn `Part I `_ and `Part II `_ at Scipy 2013 by `Gael Varoquaux`_, `Jake Vanderplas`_ and `Olivier Grisel`_. Notebooks on `github `_. - `Introduction to scikit-learn `_ by `Gael Varoquaux`_ at ICML 2010 A three minute video from a very early stage of scikit-learn, explaining the basic idea and approach we are following. - `Introduction to statistical learning with scikit-learn `_ by `Gael Varoquaux`_ at SciPy 2011 An extensive tutorial, consisting of four sessions of one hour. The tutorial covers the basics of machine learning, many algorithms and how to apply them using scikit-learn. - `Statistical Learning for Text Classification with scikit-learn and NLTK `_ (and `slides `_) by `Olivier Grisel`_ at PyCon 2011 Thirty minute introduction to text classification. Explains how to use NLTK and scikit-learn to solve real-world text classification tasks and compares against cloud-based solutions. - `Introduction to Interactive Predictive Analytics in Python with scikit-learn `_ by `Olivier Grisel`_ at PyCon 2012 3-hours long introduction to prediction tasks using scikit-learn. - `scikit-learn - Machine Learning in Python `_ by `Jake Vanderplas`_ at the 2012 PyData workshop at Google Interactive demonstration of some scikit-learn features. 75 minutes. - `scikit-learn tutorial `_ by `Jake Vanderplas`_ at PyData NYC 2012 Presentation using the online tutorial, 45 minutes. .. _Gael Varoquaux: https://gael-varoquaux.info .. _Jake Vanderplas: http://www.vanderplas.com .. _Olivier Grisel: https://twitter.com/ogrisel