.. _loading_other_datasets: Loading other datasets ====================== .. currentmodule:: sklearn.datasets .. _sample_images: Sample images ------------- Scikit-learn also embeds a couple of sample JPEG images published under Creative Commons license by their authors. Those images can be useful to test algorithms and pipelines on 2D data. .. autosummary:: load_sample_images load_sample_image .. image:: ../auto_examples/cluster/images/sphx_glr_plot_color_quantization_001.png :target: ../auto_examples/cluster/plot_color_quantization.html :scale: 30 :align: right .. warning:: The default coding of images is based on the ``uint8`` dtype to spare memory. Often machine learning algorithms work best if the input is converted to a floating point representation first. Also, if you plan to use ``matplotlib.pyplpt.imshow``, don't forget to scale to the range 0 - 1 as done in the following example. .. rubric:: Examples * :ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_cluster_plot_color_quantization.py` .. _libsvm_loader: Datasets in svmlight / libsvm format ------------------------------------ scikit-learn includes utility functions for loading datasets in the svmlight / libsvm format. In this format, each line takes the form ``