.. _example_cluster_plot_birch_vs_minibatchkmeans.py: ================================= Compare BIRCH and MiniBatchKMeans ================================= This example compares the timing of Birch (with and without the global clustering step) and MiniBatchKMeans on a synthetic dataset having 100,000 samples and 2 features generated using make_blobs. If ``n_clusters`` is set to None, the data is reduced from 100,000 samples to a set of 158 clusters. This can be viewed as a preprocessing step before the final (global) clustering step that further reduces these 158 clusters to 100 clusters. .. image:: images/plot_birch_vs_minibatchkmeans_001.png :align: center **Script output**:: Birch without global clustering as the final step took 4.52 seconds n_clusters : 158 Birch with global clustering as the final step took 4.34 seconds n_clusters : 100 Time taken to run MiniBatchKMeans 5.52 seconds **Python source code:** :download:`plot_birch_vs_minibatchkmeans.py ` .. literalinclude:: plot_birch_vs_minibatchkmeans.py :lines: 15- **Total running time of the example:** 15.70 seconds ( 0 minutes 15.70 seconds)